Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mochi and Joey - the night of little sleep

A few weeks ago, Jenny and Joey stayed overnight at our house. Nearly everyone fell asleep on the couch, so around 1 AM, we dragged ourselves to the appropriate bedrooms. As soon as we put Mochi in his crate and shut the door, he started whining and pawing at the crate door. He didn't settle down, so I let him out, and he headed towards the guest bedroom where Jenny and Joey were. I woke Jenny up, and she gave her permission to let him stay with her and Joey.

But the dogs didn't settle down. They walked around a lot, but wouldn't go to bed. Mochi eventually pawed at the guest bedroom door, so I let him out of the guest bedroom and brought him back to our room. He was still not ready to sleep, possibly because he had sufficiently napped prior to that. Tracy and I were so tired that we broke our rule and brought him into our bed with us. Yet even that didn't settle him. I couldn't sleep with him on the couch since he was still too antsy, and I didn't want to wake Jenny and Joey up again. The latter is a risk since our house is single story and has mostly wood floors, so all sounds travel throughout the house. My sleep deprived brain decided the only way to secure Mochi and possibly get some sleep was to go to the car. So that's what we ended up doing for a few hours.

It's a good thing he's cute. :)

I've never seen him so attached to Joey before. The more time he spends with her, the more attached he gets. I guess it also helped that Mochi stayed with Joey continuously while we went to Vegas for a few days.

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