Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Moving on with twice the fun!

As some of you know, the day after Christmas, we adopted a Jack Russell Terrier puppy named Obiee. Since this blog is Mochi-centric, we've decided to chronicle the pair's adventures in a new blog - http://mochiandobiee.blogspot.com/

Friday, December 19, 2008

Day at the beach!

In early September, we took Mochi to Fort Funston, based on the recommendation and experience my sister had bringing her dog there.  It's the first beach/national park I've been to that officially allows dogs to roam around off leash.  We thought he would have a good time at the beach since he didn't seem too scared after the first time we put him in a swimming pool.  That time, we gently put him in the pool, and then he frantically swam to whatever edge seemed closest.  He let us do that a few times, so we figured he isn't as fearful of water as his cousin Joey.

Of course, mochimommy was quite worried about a 13-lb dog getting swept away by the current, so as soon as we reached the beach she prayed, "Jesus, keep him safe!" Jesus delivered and we all returned home in one piece. Of course, that didn't stop mochimommy from shooting serious eyes at mochidaddy with a stern, "protect my dog" every time mochidaddy lured Mochi to the shallow pool to play in.

Joey stuck as far away from the shoreline as possible, so we didn't see the usual Mochi & Joey show at the beach until we hiked back up to the cars. Joey was much happier away from the water.  Here's uncle kento and auntie jenny admiring Mochi's lack of fear when it comes to the water.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Here is Mochi in his Halloween costume. We went to Googleween, where he tried to play with other dogs in costume but we got there a little late so there weren't many other dogs around. He did run into his cousin Joey and they were both sad that they only got to see each other for a few minutes, but we promised him (and uncle kento promised Joey) that they'd see each other later.

Needless to say, his headpiece did not stay on for very long.

Spoiled Dog!

If you can't already tell, Mochi is quite spoiled. Just a few reasons:

The last several months have been a little busy for mochimommy and mochidaddy: In the middle of mochimommy studying for the GRE, we decided to train for a half-marathon. Training for the half took up a tremendous amount of time, which mochimommy _thinks_ led to some of Mochi's summer acting out, primarily the chewing. We came home to find the couch arm chewed. So we blocked it with the side table. Mmm hmm. (pictures to come)

Then gramma asked us to hold on to some furniture for a few weeks. Mochi took to the blue chaise lounge...and promptly chewed it. Luckily gramma gave it to us (Mochi) when she was gifted new furniture.

So with the extended hours away mochimommy and mochidaddy realized that most of Mochi's acting out happens when we get home later than 7 pm. (Except for brief bouts of buttheadedness - see "30 minutes of destruction.") Which has led us to consider whether or not we should get him a brother or sister - especially before mochimommy starts grad school. We've got the majority of aunties (aunties lissa and jenny), uncle davy and gramma n calling us "crazy" for thinking about getting another dog when the one we've got is so high-energy and spoiled, with support from auntie crystal, grampa n and probably gramma h. Not sure where uncles kevvy and kento and grampa h fall. (Gramma h reports that if we get another dog, the next time we go on vacation she'll stay at our house rather than housing a total of five - yes, five - small yappy dogs at her place. Four was enough for her. :)

Another aspect of Mochi's spoiledness is the morning routine. For several months now, when he wakes to go shi-shi (pee), usually between 5-6 am, we let him snuggle in the bed with us. (I think we've been doing this since camping.) He acts really frantic, trying to get under the covers as quickly as possible and sometimes wants to skip going outside altogether. When we get up, particualarly on cold mornings, he decides he wants to stay in bed as long as possible. And on Sunday mornings after he eats his breakfast, he can usually be found in a snuggle bubble in our bed - he doesn't even get up to see mochimommy off to church.

As the weather's turning colder, Mochi's been shiver-buggin' a lot. So we bought him a $40 jacket. But he's so handsome in it! Also, his jacket came in handy when mochidaddy forgot to turn the heater back on after our Thanksgiving trip. Bad mochidaddy! Good thing mochimommy put it on him before she left for work.

With the cold weather comes Mochi's need for increased snuggling. On said cold day, mochimommy asked him if he wanted to snuggle when she finished dinner. Mochi got super-excited and when to the spot on the couch where we snuggle. So not only is he super-spoiled, he's super-smart. And last Friday he spent most of the day on mochimommy's lap while she worked. He even runs up and stares at the laptop, willing it to move so he can occupy the lap instead. mochidaddy and mochimommy have learned to quickly raise the laptop to prevent Mochi from helping us compose emails or otherwise type. We've both sent incomplete emails thanks to Mochi's help.

Spoiled dog.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our little slipper thief

We've documented Mochi's love of slippers in some previous posts. Sadly, we haven't been able to change this behavior, and in fact, he has become bolder.  Before, he would wait until we had left the house.  Now, it seems like he just waits for us to leave the room! The most egregious example came a couple weeks ago while Tracy was making dinner. Our garage door opens up to the kitchen area, and I was going in and out to start some laundry.  After my last trip, I reentered the house to find one of my indoor slippers missing.  He had taken it more or less right under Tracy's nose!

Every time I've caught him stealing a slipper (or sometimes both slippers), I put the slipper up to his face and give a stern "No!"  I realize that scolding after the fact isn't as effective, but I have to do something, and he's usually still in the area where I find the slipper.  I've never yet caught him in the act.  Each time I do chastise him, I have to quickly turn away because even his ashamed pose (ears down, tail tucked down around hind quarters) looks so cute.  Yeah, I'm a softie.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

30 minutes of destruction

At the end of October, we needed to borrow Tracy's parents SUV to return an office chair we purchased the week before.  They live close by, so we walked there and drove back to our house.  We were out about 10 minutes.  Mochi decided to chew up the instructions that came with the chair while we were out.  Fortunately, he didn't chew the chair itself, so we were able to get our money back.  But that dog...

On 11/4, we did our civic duty and voted.  Our polling location was within walking distance, so with the line outside the booths, we were gone about 20 minutes.  When we returned, we found a loaf of bread sitting on the couch, partially eaten.  Now, we fed Mochi breakfast before we left, so he didn't grab the bread out of necessity; no, I think he did it out of boredom, or to punish us.  Punk dog.

Friday, September 5, 2008

FHP and zinc, camping, and a cardboard tube

It's been a long time since mochimommy has posted, so I thought I'd give a brief update of Mochi's adventures in the past, ahem, four months...

FHP and Zinc
mochimommy and mochidaddy were gone long dime one Friday back in May. We both returned home at about 8:30 pm to find that mochimommy had forgotten to close the office door. Mochi got into mochimommy's work bag, which contained feminine hygiene products (FHP) and zinc lozenges among other things. As we cleaned up the *clean* FHP bits all over the carpet, we found what remained of the wrappers of five or so zinc lozenges. Various search results from googling "dogs zinc" and a $75 emergency phone call to animal poison control later, we were told to watch and wait, and call back if he started vomiting. Yay. Nothing ensued, except heartburn for mochimommy. (See also "Zinc-y.")

Camping, aka "I want your baby."
--ala Fat Bastard, licking his chops, from "Austin Powers II - The Spy Who Shagged Me"
Camp Hackamura was lots of fun. Mochi got to go camping for the first time and we got to try out our brand-spankin' new camping gear. (We went all-out Coleman just about.) Did we mention that it was fourish days of four people with four dogs? One of them Mochi's half-cousin Arago, the lovable but deadly police dog? Oh yeah, by the way, Arago doesn't like little animals. He hunts them...including Mochi. Crystal and I caught him on more than one occasion hunting Mochi (there was a slight rustle of leaves as Arago slowly stalked his intended prey) or outright glaring at him (think Iceman's bite toward Maverick in "Top Gun"). Oh, but other than that, Arago was just as happy a puppy as he could be...

The Cardboard Tube
Just like mochidaddy's parents decided long ago, we have decided that we're not going to spend so much money on expensive toys, because really anything cardboard will do (minited, ca. 1980, of a Kleenex box: "It's a boat! It's a shoe!"). Such is the case with Mochi's well-loved cardboard tube.

After I finished off a roll of wrapping paper I left the tube out to see what Mochi would do. Just as expected, he co-opted the tube as a new toy. What's even funnier, he has tried to go through his dog door with it centered in his mouth. I heard him struggle, pause, and then just bust through to the outside. He never realized that all he had to do was turn his head.

This is the tube's condition today:
I guess I'll have to use up some more wrapping paper soon...

More misadventures
Needless to say, Mochi has given us many reasons to laugh, shake our heads, and try to discipline him even when we're laughing so hard from the humor of whatever he's done lately. Here are more things he's been up to in the last few months.
  • Reading. Mochi, ever bored while mochimommy and mochidaddy are at work, has taken to, ahem, reading our magazines (and occasional newspapers) while we're gone. He seems to like "Budget Travel" and "Eating Well" best, but he has also taken to "Diablo" and even boned up on self-training one day. Look closely...

  • Cantaloupe. mochidaddy blogged about this one. See below.
  • Chores. Mochi has taken to "drying the dishes" and "putting away napkins" while we're away. This generally entails stealing the towels off the stove and freezer handles, or taking napkins off the dining table. Mochi has trained us to leave the kitchen towels hanging high and not leave napkins on the table. Good boy.
  • Chewing. Yep, the chewing is back. With a vengeance. Enter bitter apple. We'll see who wins this one.
  • Swimming. Mochi isn't a big fan of swimming, but he tolerates it a whole lot more than his cousin Joey does. We've been trying to get him used to the water just so he'll
  • New friends. Mochi, ever the social butterfly, has made a few new friends, including Bonnie and Clyde down the street. Bonnie looks like Mochi's long-lost little sister (chihuahua/terrier/daschund mix from the same county shelter; she's actually older than him but with her doxie blood she's smaller).
  • Gardening. As I was working on this post, I heard a strange noise behind me...and found that Mochi now enjoys gardening, even in the house. But where did he get that. Oh, that's where.