Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Puppy love

The other night we were all laying on the couch - Daddy reclining, Mommy laying on Daddy's leg, and Mochi on his back, curled up next to Mommy. Now Mochi generally doesn't sleep on his back but for some reason he sustained this position for a long time. From time to time his front paws would twitch as if someone had hit a reflex. This was pretty amusing to Mommy and Daddy (but of course we could sit and watch him for hours anyway).

The best part: he obviously started dreaming pretty intensely, and all of a sudden his tail started wagging at hyperspeed - all while he was laying on his back - so it was quite a sight to see. We've seen his tail twitch from time to time while he sleeps, but nothing like this - full on wagging. Just the sight of such tail wagging made us pause and reflect on how much we love him and his cute little quirks.

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