Monday, April 21, 2008

Mochi & strangers

My childhood dog, Husky, had no problem with people. He had no problem with family, friends, and random strangers coming up to him and petting him. He was never good with other dogs though. When he was younger, he would make somewhat aggressive movements to other dogs when we were on walks, even if the dogs were bigger than he was (which was often the case, since he topped out around 20 lbs).

We didn't want to have that problem with Mochi, so early on, we took him to a training class at the local SPCA and frequent the local dog park. That, combined with his early interactions with Joey, Buddy, and Jax, resulted in him generally being comfortable with other dogs, or at least those bigger than him.

Unfortunately, ever since we got him, he's never been comfortable around human strangers. He barks at nearly all men, and occasionally some women and children when we are out. He even sometimes barks at people he's already met (e.g. my old college roommate, my sister's boyfriend, etc). The barks aren't particularly aggressive, and his body language seems more defensive (tail up, I think) than offensive. We've tried distracting him, giving him treats, throwing treats at the feet of the strangers, and having the person he's barking at give him treats, but so far, nothing seems effective. Well, he does eat the treats, regardless of where they are or who is giving them. :)

We're still getting him out more to increase his exposure to other people, but we're otherwise not sure what else to try. Random blog reader - do you have any tips?

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