Friday, February 8, 2008

Need sleep

For the past couple of weeks, Mochi has been waking us up around 3 AM by whining and scratching to get out of his crate. Thus far, we've tried
  • getting up and taking him outside for potty
  • ignoring it
Neither seems to work. For the potty break, he doesn't go much, so I think he just wants attention or playtime. When I bring him back in from outside, he is quiet for a few minutes in his crate, but then starts making noise again. Ignoring his cries also does nothing; but I guess that kind of makes sense since inaction doesn't really set any positive or negative reinforcement.

Last night we tried speaking calmly to him. We tried saying things like "It's ok" and "We're still here," but he still kept going. I think this approach, like getting up for potty, establishes some sort of positive reinforcement. Whining -> attention

I think tonight if he cries, I'll try using a stern/negative tone. I told Tracy I prefer this approach anyway since I'm usually not in a good mood when I'm startled awake at 3 AM. :)

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