Wednesday, August 13, 2008


A couple Fridays ago, we went out to see a movie after dinner. We were away from the house about 3 hours. When we came home, we found that Mochi decided not to sleep or play with his toys. Instead, he managed to grab one of the canvas bags on the kitchen table, bring it to the floor (and later his ottoman), and gnaw on the contents. What was inside? Why, a whole canteloupe.

No, he didn't eat the entire thing. He managed instead to eat a quarter of it, including the rind. Tracy was worried that he would get sick, and I, being a responsible parent, couldn't stop laughing. In the end, Mochi was fine. He didn't seem to have any symptoms of an upset stomach, though he did pee a lot the next day. Hmmmm

Unfortunately, I was laughing so much I didn't think to take a picture. You can imagine what we saw by picking up a ball/canteloupe and pretend that the the top left quadrant has been removed.

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